
Posts Tagged ‘fur’

For the love of fur…







Just a tad too much fur?? Harry doesn't look impressed.

Stella McCartney would be sharpening her pitchforks if she was to read this but, I adore fur. To me, fur oozes elegance and sophistication whilst providing the practicalities of keeping you warm in Britain’s cold winters. However, I currently do not own anything more risqué than synthetic faux fur and due to the media I have always subconsciously been anti-fur. So imagine my dilemma when, on one of my monthly vintage shop rummages, I came across the most fabulousl fur stole. It was £10 and this beaut of a bargain clearly was real fur. Do I buy it and fear a paint attack from an eccentric anti-fur protestor? Do I put my foot down and walk out of the shop with feelings of smugness and self-satisfaction?

 One of the oldest materials used for clothing, (we’re talking cavemen here) fur is undeniably efficient in its job of keeping you warm. With winter fast approaching, nobody can deny the pleasures of the soft feel of fur against your skin (I get significantly more hugs when I’m wearing my faux fur coat!) From Dolce and Gabbana, to our very own Julien Mcdonald; designers all over the world are using real fur in their collections whilst our vintage shops are stocked up high with old fur clothing from previous decades. This poses the challenging question – is vintage fur acceptable? After all, surely it is, in essence, recycling? Eco-warrior Katherine Hamnett has defiantly stressed the importance of recycling clothes, bags and shoes however, is yet to voice her opinion on the reuse of fur. PETA (People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals) urge people to donate vintage fur to its organisation for “educational aids”. In terms of vintage fur, the damage has been done. I feel it’s a great way to reuse clothes that may otherwise be thrown away and discarded in a land-fill site. Would I buy real, new fur? No. Am I a hypocrite? Possibly, but for the time being I will be sticking with faux fur and vintage fur. I’ve fallen head-over-heels with a Michael Kors coffee coloured fur coat however, at £255 somehow I don’t feel that my student-loan budget will stretch that far.

 Did I buy the fur stole I hear you cry? I left the shop to ponder my decision and told myself I would return if I wished to buy it. Alas, on my return the stole was nowhere to be seen. Either this is a sign or there are plenty of other fashionistas seeking the guilt-free pleasure of vintage fur.

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